about angela clinic
What You Need To Know About Clinic

Because We See People, Not Just Patients
We offer confidential, non-judgmental sexual and reproductive health care with people of any gender, age & nationality.
who we are
Some Facts About Us
We strive to provide women of all ages with caring, up-to-date gynecological and family planning services.

We provide quality healthcare services that meet the unique needs of women.

Please, checkups when you have a reproductive or sexual health problem.

Supports your child’s health and development from birth until school age.
about family planning clinic
Enduring Mission and Distinguished History
The mission is to heal, to teach, to discover and to advance the health of the communities we serve.
About angela clinic
The Best of Professionals

Forma parte de cada cita médica. Permite el diagnóstico y seguimiento de procesos tanto fisiológicos como patológicos.

Los anticonceptivos son un conjunto de métodos o sustancias empleados para evitar la fecundación y por consiguiente el embarazo.

Es una técnica quirúrgica minimamente invasiva que permite intervenir a la paciente sin tener que abrir el abdomen practicando pequeñas incisiones.

El trabajo de parto corresponde al proceso fisiológico, mediado por las contracciones uterinas, que conduce al parto